Il Ritorno della Gnosi. L’eclisse della rilevanza sessuale nella legislazione

di Angelo Pio Buffo

This paper deals with the removal from the legislation of some terms referring to sexual identity. This is an increasingly widespread orientation in European legal culture, which considers these words to be in contradiction with the principles of equality and non-discrimination. The article analyzes this phenomenon in the light of the doctrines of ancient Gnosis. The contact points between the choices of parliaments and the Gnostic mindset are on the several analytical levels: the same cultural background characterized by the rejection of the divine universal order; the tampering of the words; the use of technical language inspired by the principles of the Orwell’s Newspeak; the distortion of the idea of equality.

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Vasily Grossman, a Russian Writer in the World

Vasily Grossman, a Russian Writer in the World:

the Activity of the «Study Center Vasilij Grossman»


Michele Rosboch e Alexander Linnikov*


It is a true honour being here and having the chance to talk about the activities of the «Study Center Vasilij Grossman» and the effort we put to spread the works of one of the greatest writers of the twentieth century. We would like to thank the collaborators of the Study Centre, the Scientific Directors professor Giovanni Maddalena and professor Anna Bonola, and of the Rector of the University of Turin professor Gianmaria Ajani, distinguished jurist and scholar of Russian law.

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Via delle Rosine, 15 - 10123 Torino

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ISSN 2421-4302

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