Autore: Inspire

Animali razionali dipendenti? La Carta dei diritti degli anziani e dei doveri della società

di Salvatore Amato

Abstract: the fragility and vulnerability of the human condition are not only a biological fact, but also an existential model that implies a defined ethical framework. In this perspective Alasdair Macintyre argues that human beings are dependent rational animals. The Covid-19 crisis has highlighted an embarrassing truth. Elderly dependence, mental decline and frailty have become a kind of stigma that justifies and increases social exclusion. Ageism, presentism, the idea of complete life are typical phenomena of our time that emphasize how certain parts of humanity seem expendable when they are no longer needed. We must ask ourselves what is the utility of technological power if it ends up causing systematic forms of social powerlessness.

Keywords: Relationality – Human frailty – Solidarity – Robot companion – Why Survive?

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Via delle Rosine, 15 - 10123 Torino

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Via delle Rosine, 11 - 10123 TORINO



ISSN 2421-4302

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